Fannie Mae introduced the Adverse Market Delivery Charge in December 2007 to offset foreclosure and delinquency losses. The initial fee was a quarter-percent of the amount borrowed.
Then, as market conditions worsened, Fannie Mae doubled its across-the-board loan fee to 0.500 percent in August of this year.
As of today, the fee is back to its starting point.
Since the start of the 2008, Fannie Mae has made 21 separate changes to its mortgage guidelines. Most have been detrimental to borrowers, increasing the difficulty, or the cost, of qualifying for a conforming home loan.
Today's change is among the few that are beneficial.
This morning, mortgage pricing is edging higher because of the looming Congressional vote and Wall Street's reaction to the weak jobs report. The good news is that price changes could have been worse.
Fannie Mae's Adverse Market Delivery Charge flip-flip is keeping rates from rising as high as they might have otherwise risen today.